Today’s flooring in our homes have changed away from wall to wall carpet and more towards wood, composite, laminate, tile, cork and even burnished cements to name a few. When you use your vacuum on these types of floors you should not use any rotating power brush and use a straight suction floor brush. The softer the material you have on your floor the softer the brush should be. Floor brushes made with natural bristle or a mix of natural and synthetic for wood, cork and some laminates. These will not put scratches on softer finishes over time. On the opposite end, the harder the material on the floor the harder the brush should be. The synthetic brush material (usually nylon) work great for ceramic tiles and burnished cements. Releasing dirt in between the tiles and off of the cement. When in doubt which to use ,always use the softer brush.
The issue is that manufacturer’s do not consider what type of flooring you will have and package your vacuum with what they choose. You do not have to be stuck with the wrong brush. We carry many different types just for all the different types of floors in homes today. Protect one of your biggest investments inside your home–The flooring.